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    9.0 HD



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    Peter Carter meets official resistance when he finds his 9 year old daughter has been the victim of the pedophile patriarch of the town's most powerful family.Jean Carter, nine-year-old daughter of the town's newly-appointed school principal, Peter Carter and his wife Sally, is playing in the woods with her 11-year-old friend Lucille, when Jean discovers she has lost her purse containing her "candy" money. Lucille tells her she knows where they can get sweets for nothing, and leads her to an imposing mansion, from which the owner, Clarence Olderberry, Sr., a tall, gaunt man of 70 has been watching the girls from a window. That night Jean, unable to sleep, tells her parents that Oldeberry made her and Lucille dance before him nude in exchange for some candy. Carter files a complaint, but the local police chief, Captain Hammond, is skeptical of Jean's story and warns Carter that the Oldenberry family put the town on the map and have far more standing in the community than the new-comer Carters. Oldenberry, Jr. also tells Carter...


    • 9.0 正片 极速阻击 黄俊鹏,林静,陆恩馨,王海祥,元武,侯莹珏,楼学贤,刘亚津,郭秋成,李政宇
    • 4.0 正片 超自然 Alexis,Fernandes,Bárbara,Matos,Celestine,Ngantonga,Ndzana
    • 4.0 HD国语版 商界 张丰毅,陈宝国,王伟波,林晓杰,赵越
    • 5.0 HD 受难记 米基·洛克,梅根·福克斯,比尔·默瑞,凯莉·林奇,瑞斯·伊凡斯,查克·林德尔,克里斯·勃朗宁,罗利·科奇瑞恩,阿荣·希弗,罗伯特·维斯多姆,艾丽克斯·埃索
    • 7.0 HD 黑三角 雷明,张平,凌元
    • 1.0 1080P 影子勇士2 浩克·霍根,香农·特威德,卡尔·韦瑟斯,Martin,Kove,麦克·怀特,杰拉德·普伦科特

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